Prime Factors

Every number can be factored into prime factors.  Prime factors are the factors that are prime numbers.   Prime numbers are the numbers that can only be divided by 1 and itself.  For example, 3 is a prime number, because it can only be divided by 1 and itself.  6 on the other hand is not a…

Multiplication and Division

Multiplication Multiplication is when you multiply two or more numbers together.  The numbers that are being multiplied are called factors.  The number that is the result of multiplication is called product.   In multiplication . or x signs are used to multiply one number by another.   The words that may be used in multiplication word problems are (quantity) times (quantity), to…

Four Basic Math Operations

Math has four basic operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.   Addition‘s sign is + and it is worded as “plus”.  You can say 2 plus 3, when you’re adding 2 and 3 together, and it is written as 2+3.  It is used when two or more quantities are being combined.   Subtraction‘s sign is – and it worded as…

What is Electromagnetic Radiation

The term electromagnetic radiation consists of two words, electromagnetic (electron+magnetic) and radiation.  So actually, it’s a three-word term.  Let’s break it down by the definitions for each word and put it in simple English. Let’s first figure out the word radiation.  Radiation comes from the word radiate and it is an action of radiating. So…

1.5 Linear Inequalities

What is a linear inequality?  Think of a linear equation, see the article here, but instead of an equal sign, you have > (more than), < (less than), ≥ (more or equal to) or ≤ (less than or equal to) sign. The best way to show what inequality is and what it means is to…